Kitchen Helper

Maintaining the kitchen, stocking, cleaning and assisting the chefs prepare meals are the key roles of a Kitchen Helper - an important member of the support staff in the Food & Beverage Department.

At the end of this Training Program, the learner will be able to:

  • Apply appropriate practices to unload food and verify their quantity against the invoice
  • Describe sorting, stocking and storing procedures of food items and other kitchen supplies
  • Perform tasks to assist the cook in cooking activities
  • Apply appropriate practices to maintain cleanliness of the kitchen area as well as the tools and equipment
  • Outline the waste management procedures
  • Communicate effectively with guests, colleagues and seniors to achieve a smooth workflow
  • Apply gender and age-sensitive service practices
  • Describe protocols related to confidentiality of organizational information and guests' privacy
  • Apply health, hygiene, and safety practices at the workplace

Program Eligibility:

  • Fresher, Basic Literacy

Minimum Job Entry: 18 years